Initial comprehensive evaluation including diagnostic screen testing if needed, baseline blood-work, and a completer evaluations of the key components of health; diet, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep. A holostic approach will be taken. This includes but is not limited to traditional medications, nutraceuticals, exercise, nutrition, stress reduction and sleeping habits.
60 minute / $80
30 min f/u visits $40
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Health and wellness has always played a large role in my professional career. Well balanced nutrition and fitness are some of the key foundations to good health. To learn more about our health coaching program you can click here.
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What is it? IV vitamin hydration is the administration of vitamins and nutritions directly into the bloodstream. By bypassing the digestive system, vitamin absorption in cells is much higher. Clients usually feel the effect within 1-3 hours, and the benefits can last up to 3 weeks depending on what IV route you take. Each IV drip has its unique benefits and use cases. To see a comprehensive list of the IV Therapy options we offer, click on the link below to see our IV Infusion Therapy options list.
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This program that focuses is on education of the glycemic index. If you want to lose weight, feel better, or improve as an athlete, I am confident I can help you.
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Comprehensive evaluation of the the whole athlete including base line blood work, if needed, and a complete evaluation of the key components of health; diet, exercise, stress and sleep. With over 20 years experience of being a competitive triathalete, I am confident I can teach you ways to fuel and nourish your body to help maximize your performance.
60 minute / $80
30 min f/u visits $40
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A follow up to previous appointments, tests and evaluations.
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